In the digital world, companies are making it big. They’re buying properties, collaborating on new products, and building giant data centers. But some tech companies are also going through a period of rapid growth. They’re starting to use their excess cash to buy up businesses and expand their reach. That’s when some of these tech companies step up their game – literally. They take on new projects and start using tools that weren’t available a few years ago. These startups start thinking about ways to make their technology even better. Here are seven of the most innovative tech companies in the world today.

Facebook’s origins lie in a decade-old idea. In 2004, the company was just starting to take off when it started acquiring and building communities around social media. By 2008, the company had 725 million users worldwide. By 2011, the company had overtaken Google to become the number one search engine in the world. At the end of the day, Facebook is more than just an online media platform. It’s a social media network that grew from an idea into a thriving business. In just a few years, Facebook has grown from a startup to one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world.
Google’s story is perhaps the most inspiring of all. In 2006, the company was just starting to gain traction as an Internet marketing strategy. The search engine kingpin bought up and rebranded websites like Google Photos as well as created original video content for YouTube. Google’s success was immediate. By 2008, Google had overtaken Apple as the most searched-for name on the Earth. The search engine kingpin was quickly becoming an icon of online marketing. Google also bought up a bunch of businesses and quickly became the most recognized brand in the online marketing world. By now, many of these companies had similar product lines, so Google already had a reputation for quality.