Apple Watch

If you travel a lot and like to keep your devices on you at all times, Apple Watch is a must. It is so easy to use and looks just like an ordinary watch. However, the thinking behind the watch is a little more creative than what you might expect. The watch is self-healing, meaning it reduces stress and can actually “read” your body as you interact with it. It’s also waterproof and comes with a heart rate monitor. If you want to stay on top of what’s happening in the world around you while on the move, the Apple Watch is a must.
Google Cardboard
Google Cardboard is a virtual realityHelicopter that lets you view and interact with your surroundings as if you were on a real-world roof or balcony. It’s great for remote travel, as you can view the world around you from the deck of some virtual city or another. The virtual reality turns your phone into a VR headset, allowing you to track and share what you’re seeing. While it might not offer true 3D, the Cardboard style VR devices are often able to offer a decent level of realistic renderings.