Tokyo is a huge city. It’s home to more than 24 million people and it has some of the most beautiful, design-driven urban spaces in the world. While some places are so big that you could easily spend an entire day exploring them, others have miniclubs, parks, train stations, theme parks, nightlife and more. Most people go to Japan for one thing and one thing only —TOYOTA MOTORISES! Yes, Toyota is based in Japan and there are many things you’ll love about living there. But what if you go to Japan on vacation instead? What should you expect? Well, this blog post is filled with details on things you need to know when visiting Toyota Motor Plaza (toyota minishu) in Tokyo. If you don’t know your way around these things yet, then keep reading!
What to Expect When You Go to Japan

Well, most visitors to Japan don’t even know that the country already has automakers like Toyota, Mitsui & E. Honda, and Alfa Romeo. And there are more than 100 other auto brands with operations in Japan. While many people may go to Tokyo for the iconic Land of the Rising Sun and Mitsubishi, many others may go for the more affordable Luxury Suites at the Sumo restaurant.
What’s the Culture Like?
If you have ever been to Japan, you’ll know that the country has a very dark history. It’s filled with constant fighting and dark, twisted character. So, it might come as a surprise to learn that the country is also home to some of the most beautiful, design-focused spaces in the world. Tokyo has a lot of beautiful places to see. We’ll cover some of the more famous ones below: Tokyo’s Old Town is a mecca for architecture and design. You’ll find some of the most stunning art deco, Mokume and modern Japanese architecture in the world. Tokyo’s Financial District is filled with some of the most amazing restaurants and bars. If you’re a foodie, you’re in the right spot because there’s a thriving restaurant and bars scene in Tokyo. Tokyo’s Old Town is rich with history and filled with beautiful, old, half-abandoned buildings that have been transformed over time into beautiful art deco architecture.