5 Ways to Create Positive Relationships in Your Life
We all want to have positive relationships in our life. But how do we find the time and energy to build these relationships? Here are five ways that you can spend less time on your phone and more time with people in your life.

1) Spend some time in a quiet place:
It is important to have some alone time to recharge, but it is also important that we take time for ourselves. Spend an hour a day reading a book or meditating, which will help you get centered again.
Be aware of triggers: If you find yourself getting triggered more and more, it might be time to take a break from the situation that is causing you pain. Do something new: This can be anything from going to the gym to seeing a movie to learning a new hobby. Try something new, even if it is just one night.
2) Take up an open-ended hobby:
Find something that interests you and learn as much as possible about it. The internet has tons of information about anything from cooking to knitting, so find something new! Start a new project: Whether it’s crocheting, painting, or starting your own business, try something new and see where it leads.
Start a blog: A blog is the perfect place to talk about what you’re passionate about! If you’re interested in writing, start blogging about your hobbies or interests.
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